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8 Tests

Mineral Metal Pack (Basic)


The cause of chronic diseases may be toxin poisoning due to heavy metal accumulation in the body!

Heavy metal accumulation in the body can cause many health problems. Heavy metals can enter the body from drinking water, food, breathing or through the skin. Since they cannot be eliminated from the body through the liver, kidneys or intestines, toxins mix with the blood and can cause serious diseases.

Could you be unable to heal due to heavy metals in your body?

If you have complaints such as persistent allergies, chronic fatigue, joint pain, chronic diseases and persistent headaches, you can regain your health with a heavy metal panel.

The tests included in the heavy metal panel are blood tests that measure the values of minerals and harmful heavy metals in the body.


Plays a major role in activating cells in the immune system. In selenium deficiency, the body has difficulty removing substances that cause toxins.

It is one of the vital minerals for the body. It ensures the regular functioning of the nervous system, especially the immune system. In zinc deficiency, immune functions decline and diseases may occur. High zinc causes an increase in toxins.

It supports iron absorption, blood vessels, bone health and the immune system. High copper in the body causes toxin accumulation and diseases.

Vücut için önemli olan bazı enzimlerin çalışmasından sorumludur. Protein, karbonhidrat ve yağ metabolizmasının süreçlerini kontrol eder. Manganez yüksekliği ağır metal birikmesine neden olur.

Lead is a heavy metal that poses a serious health threat to the body. High levels of lead can damage the brain and many organs in the body, especially the nervous system.

It is a very dangerous heavy metal that can cause damage to the central nervous system, liver and kidneys. Amalgam dental fillings are one of the main causes of mercury accumulation in the body.

It can enter the body through food (especially rice, poultry), respiratory tract or drinking water. It is a heavy metal that causes damage to the lungs, liver and kidneys.

Cadmium is taken into the body through inhalation through dust and vapor. Since it is a heavy metal, cadmium accumulation in the body may cause damage to the respiratory tract, kidneys and bones.

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