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Low Vitamin D: A Harbinger Of Diseases

What is Vitamin D?

Contrary to popular belief, vitamin D is not a vitamin but a hormone in the body. Therefore, it has a very important place for body health. In addition to what is known as vitamin D benefits, it also has other duties in the body.

Vitamin D is Protective Against Cancer

Vitamin D3, which acts on thousands of genes in the body, has been proven to be a vitamin that provides protection against cancer by strengthening immunity. The effect of vitamin D on the cell is that it warns the body to absorb the vitamins and minerals it needs to use.

Vitamin D for Bone Health

Perhaps the most important of the benefits of vitamin D is that it has a great importance in bone formation. For this reason, it is a vitamin recommended for those looking for vitamins for bone health in vitamin D deficiencies. Vitamin D is stored in the liver and adipose tissue. Vitamin D has D2 and D3 forms.

Due to these important tasks it undertakes, it is important to pay attention to the benefits of vitamin D and to keep vitamin D values within the desired range in line with the physician’s recommendations at all times.

Vitamin D Benefits

Vitamin D, which is among the most important vitamins, has many benefits for the body.

  1. Vitamin D Protects Bones

The most important vitamin group for bone health is vitamin D. Among the benefits of vitamin D, it is the number one protector of strong bones in the body. Vitamin D is also known as the vitamin that strengthens bones. Vitamin D strengthens bones and protects bone health by helping the body absorb and retain calcium and phosphorus. Vitamin D is also important for good dental health. Vitamin D prevents bone resorption. Some diseases develop in vitamin D deficiency. One of the diseases seen in vitamin D deficiency is Rickets, which is seen with weakening or softening of bones. Vitamin D prevents the development or progression of this disease.

  1. Strengthens the Immune System

The strong immune system is our greatest weapon that allows us to survive with health and protects us against diseases. Vitamin D benefits include strengthening our immune system. In this way, diseases are reduced. In patients with vitamin D deficiency, the incidence of immune diseases called autoimmune is higher. In vitamin D deficiency, especially intestinal disease ulcerative colitis or crohn’s disease and neurological diseases that may be caused by low immunity may develop.

  1. Vitamin D Increases Muscle Strength

Among the benefits of vitamin D is its contribution to muscle health. Especially in the process from adulthood to old age, the density of muscle mass and muscle strength in the body is very important for all of us. Vitamin D deficiency can cause falls and unwanted bone fractures at this age. We should not neglect to take the most effective vitamin D recommended by the physician by having our vitamin D (D vit) measurements under the control of a physician in certain periods.

  1. Vitamin D for Heart Health

Vitamin D benefits include the protection of our heart health, which is vital for our survival. Vitamin D provides protection against the development of heart disease or high blood pressure. So does vitamin D deficiency increase blood pressure? Yes, blood pressure problems are also seen in vitamin D deficiencies.

  1. Vitamin D is Effective Against Diabetes

Another benefit of vitamin D is its protective effect against the development of diabetes. Especially in children, if vitamin D values are normal, the rate of development of Type1 diabetes, an autoimmune disease, is less. The risk of Type2 diabetes is also reduced in people with vitamin D between normal values.

  1. Vitamin D Nourishes Hair

The benefit of vitamin D for hair is very effective in the formation of hair follicles and strengthening hair.

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What Should Vitamin D Value Be?

The vitamin D value in the body is considered healthy up to 100 according to today’s scientific studies. Higher values can cause toxic effects in the body. Vitamin D values below 20 are also dangerous values where diseases with increased complaints in the body can be seen.

What Causes Vitamin D Deficiency?

Reductions in vitamin D absorption in the body cause vitamin D deficiencies. In vitamin D deficiencies, deterioration in the functioning and organs in the body can be seen.

What Triggers Vitamin D Deficiencies?

Not getting enough sunlight
Nutritional irregularities, lack of adequate and balanced nutrition
Disorders of the intestinal flora
Advancing age
Vitamin D Deficiency Symptoms (D Vit Deficiency Symptoms)

Pain in the joints (wrists and ankles, fingers, shoulder and knee joints)
Muscle weakness
Mental changes similar to depression
Insomnia, lack of quality sleep
Hair loss

Diseases Seen in Vitamin D Deficiency

Although we do not attach much importance to low vitamin D levels in the test results, it is a situation that should be taken quickly. Calcium vitamin D (D vit) should be used with the recommendation of the physician in order to increase the values against vitamin D deficiency.

Diseases seen in vitamin D deficiency;

Bone resorption, bone deformation
Muscle weakness, risk of falls
Tooth loss
Type 2 Diabetes
Metabolic syndrome diseases such as blood pressure, cholesterol, diabetes
Preparing the ground for autoimmune diseases
Some types of cancer
Rheumatic diseases
Chronic fatigue
Vitamin D Source Sun

The sun is the main source of vitamin D. Turning our face, palms of our hands, arms and legs to the sun for 20 minutes between 12:00-16:00 hours when the sun is perpendicular will be enough to meet our daily vitamin D need. In the winter months, with calcium vitamin D supplements

We can keep our vitamin D at desired values.

Foods with Vitamin D

Apart from the sun, vitamin D can be taken into the body at a certain rate from the following foods.

Meat group; red meat, liver, chicken liver
Fish; sardines, salmon, mackerel, mackerel, tuna from oily fish
Dairy products; Cheese, yoghurt, butter
Cereals and cereals
Egg yolk
Mushrooms, nettle, parsley
Best Vitamin D Supplement

In vitamin D deficiency, the best vitamin D supplement will be the special supplement recommended by the physician. A physician should be consulted before using vitamin D supplements. In vitamin D deficiencies, how many drops you take daily or how many pills you take per week will vary according to your vitamin D values. Again, how long you will use the best vitamin D supplement you will take will also become clear as a result of the physician’s guidance. Vitamin D price varies according to the contents prepared by the companies. Another thing that is curious is whether magnesium and vitamin D can be taken together. The physician can give the most accurate answer on this subject. Your physician will inform you about the use of magnesium and vitamin D.

How should vitamin D be used?

Vitamin D is active with fat. Therefore, it should be taken with fatty foods. (Nuts, olive oil, milk, avocado, etc.) When consumed with oily products, correct absorption is provided by the body.

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