Heavy metals accumulating in the body can be a sign of diseases!
There are many heavy metals that negatively affect human health. Heavy metals pass into the body through air, soil and water. We are exposed to heavy metals through food, drinking water, skin and breathing. Especially people in occupational groups working in industrial production sectors may develop diseases that can lead to serious health problems due to the accumulation of heavy metals in their bodies over the years.
Heavy metals cannot be excreted by the body and therefore accumulate in the body. Increasing complaints, unresponsiveness to treatments, and deteriorating health day by day may be due to heavy metals accumulating in the body.
All these exposures have a greater effect if there are vitamin and mineral deficiencies in the body.
Tests within the advanced heavy metal panel will guide the correct diagnosis and treatment method.
According to heavy metal test results, necessary vitamin-mineral deficiencies are treated with heavy metal treatments as supplements and IV serum.
It is the most important electrolyte that maintains water balance in the body. Deficiency can cause serious diseases in the nervous system and deterioration in cell functions.
It is an electrolyte mineral that has important functions in the body regarding heart functions, blood pressure, DNA synthesis, enzyme functionality, and muscle contraction and relaxation. In its deficiency, neuromuscular system diseases may occur.
It is the most important mineral for bone health. In case of deficiency, bone weakness, muscle and bone pain may occur. Heavy metals reduce calcium in the body.
Lack of magnesium, whose most important function is to maintain the strength of bones, regulate blood pressure and maintain heart rhythm, can cause low energy and chronic body pain. Heavy metal buildup reduces magnesium levels.
Anemia may occur due to copper deficiency, which plays a role in protein synthesis and energy production. Copper, which is among the heavy metals, can reduce the absorption of iron and zinc.
It is one of the very important minerals for the immune system and nervous system. In its deficiency, the immune system weakens. There is an increase in heavy metals when zinc is high.
Iron, one of the most important minerals, carries oxygen from the lungs to red blood cells. In its deficiency, shortness of breath, less oxygenation and anemia may occur. Excess iron creates toxic effects in the body.
It is very important for the proper functioning of the immune system. In its deficiency, the body has difficulty eliminating heavy metals.
Boron mineral is found in small amounts in the body. It is taken with food and water. In its deficiency, osteoporosis, kidney stones and decreased mental activities may occur. Excess boron causes toxic effects.
It is an element contained in vitamin B12. Thyroid and heart diseases may occur in cobalt deficiency.
It is responsible for the breakdown of amino acids in the body. It is effective in reducing toxins.
Vücuttaki enzimlerin çalışmasını, protein, karbonhidrat ve yağ metabolizmasını destekler. Manganez yüksekliği vücutta ağır metal birikmesi yapabilir.
Aluminum, which is among the heavy metals, usually enters the body through food, water and kitchen utensils. Its excess causes many neurological problems and oxidative stress.
Hücrelerin sağlıklı çalışması için çok önemlidir. Çoğunlukta kemikte ve dişlerde bulunur. Eksikliği eklem ve kas ağrıları ile hastalıklara neden olabilir.
In some workers, heavy metals may accumulate in the body due to inhalation of high doses of antimony. It can cause serious heart and lung diseases.
It is a heavy metal that causes liver, kidney and respiratory diseases.
It is among the dangerous heavy metals.
It is one of the heavy metals taken into the body through breathing. Excess cadmium can cause damage to the respiratory tract, nervous system, kidneys and bone tissues.
It is a dangerous heavy metal that can cause brain function, kidney and liver damage. It is most often taken into the body with amalgam dental fillings.
Nickel, a heavy metal, can cause DNA damage, especially allergic diseases.
It is a dangerous element. It is taken into the body through inhalation. It can cause nerve diseases, growth retardation, and eye disorders.
Vanadium taken into the body through breathing causes an increase in toxins in the body. It may have carcinogenic effects on the body.
Tin taken into the body through inhalation increases toxin levels. It can cause diseases to develop.
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