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Unknown Benefits of Vitamin B

What Does Vitamin B Do?

Vitamin B is one of the most important types of vitamins that undertake tasks for the good functioning of the body and are vital. Vitamin B is one of the most important vitamins that produce energy from digested food in body metabolism, take part in the production of red blood cells, and are absolutely necessary for cell health and regular heart function.

B Complex Vitamin

There are 8 different forms of vitamin B and each is essential for a healthy body.

Vitamin B forms B1 (Thiamine), B2 (Riboflavin), B3 (Niacin), B5 (Pantothenic Acid, Panthenol), B6 (Pyridoxine, Pyridoxamine), B7 (Biotin), B9 (Folic Acid, Folate), B12 (Cobalamin)

Vitamin B Deficiency

All B vitamins are soluble in water. None of the types of B vitamins are stored in the body. Therefore, there may often be vitamin B deficiency in the body. The need for vitamin B supplements may develop due to vitamin B deficiency. Vitamin B analyses should be performed regularly in certain periods. According to the results, vitamin B supplements should be taken among the vitamins that should be taken daily for a while under the control of a doctor if needed.

Despite the doctor’s recommendations for the use of vitamin B in vitamin B deficiencies, not taking vitamin B supplements among the vitamins that should be taken daily, even for a while, will cause vitamin B to decrease even more. This situation will also prepare the ground for the development of many diseases in the body.

Vitamin B Benefits

Each of the B vitamins has separate benefits for the body. Among the benefits of vitamin B , the following can be prioritised.

  • One of the benefits of vitamin Bis that it is very important for the immune system. Protects the body against infections, increases antioxidant levels. In this way, the disease does not develop.
  • Vitamin B protects cell health.
  • Vitamin B is important for heart health, reduces the risk of heart disease with the task it undertakes in the body.
  • Contributing to the good functioning of the nervous system is also one of the benefits of vitamin B.
  • Another of the benefits of vitamin B is to increase good cholesterol and lower bad cholesterol.
  • Vitamin B regulates the hormone cortisol and keeps stress under control in the body.
  • Sufficient vitamin B increases blood cells, so anemia is not seen in the body. B12 deficiencies cause anaemia.
  • Vitamin B is active in energy production in the body.
  • Sufficient vitamin B reduces the risk of stroke.
  • In the treatment of dementia, vitamin B12, one of the forms of vitamin B, is used as a supplement.
  • Vitamin B12 reduces migraine headaches, a neurological disease.
  • Depression may develop due to vitamin B deficiency. Vitamin B12 supplements should be used in depression treatments.
  • Vitamin B2 supplementation prevents the development of eye diseases.
  • Skin problems, hair health, nail problems can be solved by using vitamin B supplements.
  • Vitamin B12 supplements should be used for the treatment of sleep disorders.
  • As a treatment for muscle weakness, the vitamin B12 form of vitamin B should be drunk as a supplement .
  • Vitamin B12 supplements are recommended for those looking for vitamins for weakness and fatigue.

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Which Vitamin B should be taken with Vitamin B

In case of vitamin deficiencies, B complex vitamins can be taken together. A physician or pharmacist should be consulted for the best B vitamin complex.

Taking vitamin B supplements together with vitamin D is important for the prevention of neurological diseases and bone health.

When B12, B1 and copper are taken together, their effect on the body increases. Serum with this vitamin is among the best B complex vitamins.

Vitamin therapies are also good supports for vitamin B.

Which Foods Contain Vitamin B

Vitamin B is naturally found in proteins, cereals, pulses, vegetables and fruits. Daily vitamin B needs can be met with a Mediterranean-type diet. However, vitamin B deficiencies can be seen despite a healthy diet.

Foods containing vitamin B

  • Dairy products, cheese, yoghurt
  • Proteins such as eggs, red and chicken meat
  • Offal such as liver, kidney
  • Seafood, tuna, salmon, salmon, mackerel, oysters
  • Chickpeas, beans, lentils from legumes
  • Dark leafy vegetables, vegetables such as spinach, chard, cabbage, potatoes
  • Whole grain group
  • Orange, lemon, banana, watermelon
  • Nuts from nuts with healthy fats
  • Soya products
  • Maya

B12 deficiency symptoms

Since new blood cells cannot be produced sufficiently in vitamin B12 deficiencies, many diseases, especially anaemia, may develop.

Symptoms of vitamin B12 deficiency are as follows;

  • Anaemia known as anaemia
  • Shortness of breath due to anaemia
  • Palpable heart palpitations
  • Chronic fatigue and decreased energy
  • Forgetfulness problems
  • Depression susceptibility, irritability
  • Muscle weakness
  • Weight loss due to loss of appetite
  • More chills
  • Skin problems, mouth sores
  • Focusing problems such as brain fog Numbness and tingling sensation in arms and legs
  • Intelligence problems in infant and child development
  • Hair loss
  • Stomach, intestinal problems (diarrhoea, constipation)
  • Vision problems

It is very important for those who have similar health problems to take vitamin B12 under the control of a physician or to have vitamin therapy B complex vitamin serum application.

Can B Complex Vitamin be administered as a serum at home?

B complex vitamin called vitamin serum can be applied at home as serum for brain and cell health, production of new blood cells, symptoms of depression, fatigue. Vitamin serum, which is among the vitamin therapies, contains Thiamine (B1), Reboflavin (B2), Nicotinamide and Pyridoxin.

So what is the difference between intravenous vitamin B? When serum is administered intravenously at home, it is more effective by mixing into the blood more quickly.

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Serum Insertion Price at Home

The price of a home IV drip is based on the current figures determined by Vitamine Therapy. Our expert nurse team will explain to you in detail the price of B complex vitamin IV at home.

If you want to find out the intravenous vitamin serum price for B complex vitamins in the comfort of your home, you can reach Vitamine Therapy’s free call centre number 0850 308 7802.

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