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What is Intravenous Vitamin Serum Application?

IV vitamin drip administration, also known as intravenous therapy, is the process of delivering nutrients and hydration directly into the bloodstream for immediate absorption and utilisation by the body.

IV vitamin drips are the fastest way to deliver nutrients to the body because they bypass the digestive system and go directly to the organs, resulting in an absorption rate of 90-100% (compared to only 20-50% possible by mouth).

With one third of the population experiencing anxiety, depression or stress, there is a growing need for preventative and supportive IV vitamin therapies that help to raise energy levels and revitalise the immune system.

Although the media portrays IV vitamin therapy as the latest health trend, popular among those living stressful urban lives, athletes and celebrities, the practice has been around for centuries.

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What are the Benefits of IV Vitamin Serum?

The benefits of intravenous (IV) vitamin serums are that they can effectively increase your body’s intake of important nutrients such as vitamins, minerals, antioxidants and amino acids. It does this by delivering these essential supplements directly into your bloodstream, bypassing the digestive system for maximum absorption.

Vitamin serum benefits will vary depending on the disease being treated, the protocol used, the overall health of the patient and how many sessions are administered. Some known benefits are as follows:

  • Stronger immunity (prevents colds or flu)
  • Improved mood
  • More energy
  • Improved concentration and mental focus
  • Increased calmness and relaxation
  • Balanced blood sugar
  • Improved sleep patterns
  • Improved jetlag
  • Improved hangover
  • Reduction of migraine attacks
  • Increased fertility
  • Renewed skin
  • Reduction of signs of ageing

Who are IV Vitamin Serums for?

Originally, intravenous nutrients were used in hospitals for patients who were dehydrated, had nutrient deficiencies or were unable to take oral medication.

Today, healthy people can maintain and improve their health and energy levels with IV Vitamin Therapy.

The stress of modern life can reduce your immune system and overall health: Vitamin IVs can help you maintain it by giving it the support it needs.

While stress alone may not cause us to catch a cold or flu virus, it certainly weakens the immune system’s ability to respond to viruses, leaving us more vulnerable to infection and disease.

So whether you are looking to boost your immunity, replace fluids and electrolytes lost after a drunken night out or support recovery after high performance athletics, IV Vitamin Therapy can help optimise your body’s nutrient levels.

How Long Does It Take to Administer Vitamin Serum Service at Home?

Most vitamin serums usually take 30 to 60 minutes to infuse.

How Long Do Vitamin Serums Last?

The effects you receive from IV vitamin serums depend on the vitamin supplement you choose and your physical health. However, noticeable effects can usually last between 2 to 4 days. Vitamins given into your body through a vein can stay in your body for up to 2 to 3 weeks.

How often should you take vitamin serum supplements?

How often you should take vitamin serums depends mostly on what you want to achieve from the treatment. The Vitamine Therapy centre carries out the necessary tests before administration, thus customising each vitamin therapy according to your individual needs and requirements.

What Are the Most Common IV Vitamin Serums?

  • Myers Cocktail IV – This cocktail consists of magnesium, B vitamins, and vitamin C. It is claimed to treat a wide range of medical conditions, including immunity and energy levels. Find out more
  • Hydration IV Therapy – IV hydration therapy benefits those recovering from dehydration due to vomiting, diarrhoea or hangovers, as well as athletes looking to maximise their performance. Find out more
  • NAD+ Anti-Aging IV Therapy – This contains Nicotinamide adenine dinucleotide (NAD+), an important enzyme found in all human cells. Its main function is to repair damaged cells and reverse the effects of oxidisation in the body. Find out more
  • Glutathione IV Therapy – Immune-boosting cocktail containing powerful antioxidants such as cysteine and arginine, which help protect you from flu and other viruses. Find out more

How Much Does IV Therapy Cost?

IV Therapy fee varies between 200 € -275 € per session depending on the application.

Is IV Vitamin Serum Administration Safe at Home?

Today, it is common and generally safe to administer intravenous fluids via IV infusion, but adverse events may occur.

If you have any disease or allergy, it is recommended that you consult your doctor before therapy to avoid any complications.

There is also a risk of infection due to the interventional procedure on your skin. Although the risk of infection is low, it is important to seek care only from a qualified centre that provides a safe and healthy vitamin infusion.

At Vitamine Therapy, each patient undergoes a thorough medical assessment by our physicians prior to administration. Vitamine Therapy can also perform a comprehensive diagnostic test to assess the levels of vitamins, minerals, amino acids and other nutrients in the body and customise cocktails accordingly.

Key Points to Consider When Planning Vitamin Therapy at Home

  • If you have a specific disease or medical condition, talk to your primary care doctor to find out if IV vitamin drips are right for you.
  • Make sure that the doctor you are receiving the IV vitamin drip from is certified and knowledgeable about all of your health conditions and concerns.
  • The administering centre will need to ask about your medical history, medications and allergies and either refuse or accept you.
  • You should never feel rushed and a nurse should always explain what is being done to you.
  • When in doubt, do not hesitate to ask for identification details. Choose your centre wisely!

If you have any further questions about IV Vitamin Therapy, please call Vitamine Therapy on 0850 308 7802.

Are There Any Side Effects of IV Vitamin Serums?

When used at the correct dose and in the correct combination, side effects of IV Vitamin serums are actually quite rare. Too high levels of certain vitamins and minerals can be harmful to the body; therefore, our physicians always monitor patients throughout their therapy programme. There may be some redness and burning at the site of administration of IV drips, but this is usually temporary and very rarely some patients complain of a slight fever or headache after treatment, but this is usually temporary. All the vitamins and minerals given are nutrients that the body needs and are found in the food we eat. IV Vitamin Therapy works by strengthening the innate healing action by giving the body the nutrients it needs.

How many sessions of IV Vitamin Therapy will I need?

Although it is possible to receive IV Vitamin Therapy on a one-off basis and many people report dramatic improvement after a single treatment, we believe that a course of treatments is the best option. Treatments can be scheduled once or twice a week and the treatment programme usually consists of 3 or 5 sessions. Our specially trained IV specialists monitor your progress by adhering to a schedule and can make adjustments if necessary. For more information about the benefits of IV Vitamin Therapy, please call us on 0850 308 78 02 or click here.

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